My name is Judy and I blog over at...(click on it to visit)
I was asked by Carly to join this cute little blog where I will be sharing with you any tips, tricks, or freebies I post in my TPT store.
A little background info on me:
I have been teaching for 8 years now and my experience includes, kindergarten, first grade, third grade, and a little of second and fourth.
I become certified as a bilingual teacher in 2012 and am currently a first grade bilingual teacher in Texas.
I love what I do and have a great big passion for it!
I am originally from New Jersey and it will always have a special place in my heart.
Anything else you'd like to know? Ask!
To start this blog off right, I am going to post a freebie I created the other night for all you first grade teachers out there.
It's a race to 120 game. You will need base ten units of ones and tens, the game board, die, and two little first graders. :)
The students take turns rolling and collecting units. Once they get to 10, they trade it in for a ten rod. The reason with 120 at the end is the winner!
I hope you enjoy your freebie and come back to visit the blog real soon!